Usually people need delaying menstrual medicine for reasons of vacation, worship or certain health conditions. Delaying menstruation can be seen to facilitate the activities to be carried out. In addition, you will also remain comfortable during the activity. You can delay menstruation by taking certain medications, usually in the form of birth control pills. If you need it, ask your doctor. Avoid looking for information from unclear sources let alone taking menstruation delay drugs. Suppress Fertility The doctor will assess your health condition and needs, then consider the efforts that can be made. One way that can be done is to provide hormone therapy through the use of birth control pills. Instead of delaying pregnancy, in this case birth control pills are used as delaying menstruation. In delaying menstruation, this contraceptive works like when you deliberately postpone pregnancy. Most birth control pills are composed of active pills and empty pills. An active pill contain...
Eye infections can be characterized by red eyes, feel painful, runny and sensitive to light. In addition, other symptoms that are often complained of such as feeling something is up to the eyes or vision becomes blurred. Eye infections can be caused by various things ranging from irritation, cuts or scratches to the cornea, to certain medical conditions that trigger infection. Treatment that can be done to treat eye infections varies and depends on the type of eye infection suffered. The types of eye infections and how to overcome them include: Bintitan Nipple is the appearance of small bumps like acne on the edges of the eyelids. This eye infection called hordeolum is caused by a buildup of oil, dead skin cells, and dirt that clog the oil glands around the eyelashes. Twinted eyes can be painful, itchy and swollen, excessive tears come out, or there is crust and dirt around the eyelids. To treat it, compress the eye with a clean warm cloth for 5-10 minutes. Repeat about 3-4 tim...