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These Characteristics of Normal Leucorrhoea in Women

Some women often experience vaginal discharge. But you don't need to worry if you experience normal vaginal discharge. Because in fact, normal vaginal discharge has several purposes, namely to clean and moisturize the vagina, and help prevent and fight infections. Keep in mind that fluids made by glands in the vagina and cervix carry dead cells and dead bacteria. This can keep your vagina clean.

This is normal vaginal discharge

Normal vaginal discharge is a function of a healthy body, it is part of the body's system to cleanse and protect your vagina. Leucorrhoea is a liquid or semisolid that flows out of the vaginal opening. The vaginal wall and cervix contain glands that produce a small amount of fluid to help maintain vaginal cleanliness. This liquid or what is known as normal vaginal discharge is usually clear white or milky white; odorless; thick and sticky before the menstrual cycle; clear / clearer, wetter, and slippery before ovulation or fertility (these signs may not occur if you use hormonal contraception) Usually, the amount of fluid in normal vaginal discharge will increase when you are exercising, experiencing sexual arousal, during ovulation, taking birth control pills, and when under stress. Normal vaginal fluid can vary in texture and color. This liquid can be sticky, rather thin, elastic, or thick. This vaginal discharge varies greatly among women. However, consistency and sometimes the color can change when hormonal changes are triggered by stress, menstruation, or the consumption of birth control pills.

Abnormal vaginal discharge and how to overcome it

Normal vaginal discharge can turn into abnormal vaginal discharge. If the color, odor, or aroma of vaginal discharge that you experience is different from usual and is accompanied by itching or burning, then vaginal discharge that you may experience is abnormal vaginal discharge. Some things that can cause abnormal vaginal discharge include antibiotics or corticosteroids, taking birth control pills, cervical cancer, chlamydia or gonorrhea infections, diabetes, scented soap or lotion, pelvic inflammatory disease, vaginitis, fungal infections, and others. Therefore, as a woman, you must be careful and thorough in maintaining the health of your reproductive organs. To prevent infections in your vagina, several ways you can do this, including:
  • Use cotton underwear, because it absorbs sweat and does not make the female area moist.
  • Don't use douching products (vaginal cleaners) that can upset the balance of bacteria in your vagina, and get rid of good bacteria that should be in the vagina to fight infections.
  • Pay attention to your clothes, avoid using clothes that are too tight, such as jeans, tight pants, yoga pants, skirts, and others.
  • Do not use products for your female area (feminine products), especially those that are flavorful or contain fragrance.
  • Avoid soaking in a hot or very hot tub.
  • Change wet clothes immediately. Avoid sitting in wet clothes, for example after swimming or exercising at the gym.
  • Always clean your vaginal area from front to back, to avoid bacteria moving from the anus to the vagina.
  • During menstruation or menstruation, replace your pads as often as possible. Use a condom when having sex and do not change sexual partners to prevent infection in the vagina.
After knowing how normal vaginal discharge and how to maintain the female area, you are still advised to consult the health of your reproductive organs if normal vaginal discharge has turned into abnormal vaginal discharge, which is marked by changing the color of vaginal discharge to yellow or green, foul-smelling, and appearing itchy and sore .


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